DDR Ultramix 2 is the best iteration of the DDR franchise, better than the arcade versions or the inferior PS2 versions.
User Rating: 8.1 | Dance Dance Revolution Ultramix 2 XBOX
Dance Dance Revolution is back on the Xbox in DDR Ultramix 2, and simply put, Konami really puts there best effort into the Xbox version. The difficulty level is just right, the graphics are glossier than the arcade or PS2 version, and it is just more fun to play. The Gameplay is the same old same old from DDR, and will take you a very long time for you do just get As on Light songs, and if you dont play for a week, you start almost from the beginning. There are tons of new game modes, workout mode, battle mode, party mode, normal mode, edit mode, training mode, and challenge mode. All play well but when it is somewhat frustrating, it kind of ruins it. The graphics arent exactly good simply because it is a anime character and a arrow can only look so good, but it looks as good as it can. The menu screens are very vibrant and the resolution is a ton higher than the PS2 version, not even with HD on. The music in the game is where its at, and there is tons of it, too bad most of the songs are japanese hoobla that is painful to listen to. There are exceptions, I have a love for a all girl band Vanilla Ninja now because of this game, and there is a few rock songs. Too bad there is no custom soundtracks for the game, but without it, the games sound and music plays out nicely. You will play a long time on Live, unless if you suck at the game, which most of us do cause it is harder than Ninja Gaiden, Halo 2, Riddick, and more games combined. You have to play for years to get past standard or heavy, which makes it a drag. But you can lose weight with a workout mode that makes the purchase of Yourself!Fitness extremely stupid. Overall, I like this game, it is the best DDR game around, but if you are dancily challenged, it might take some getting used to. Note: This is a mini-review subject to change