A great game that brings multiplayer partying to its fullest.

User Rating: 8.7 | Dancing Stage Universe X360
In DDR Universe, there are more modes to play in, including Party Mode, Training Mode, and Quest mode. The best part of the game is the Party Mode. In the Party Mode, there are smaller classifications of multiplayer modes, like Speed, Power, Score,Bomb, Point, and Battle( I think it was Battle). Amazingly, Battle Mode is actually a mode where different moves (left, up, right, down) mean different attacks. Left for the first player means fire wall, and the rest of the movements activate fireballs that are thrown at the opposing player, and lightning. If your avatar is hit by lightning or fire, it will move the avatar down. The one who gets moved the lowest is the loser. Point is where players start out with several points, which could be deducted if the player doesn't do the right dance moves at the right time. Speed means...well, pure speed. It's a battle of speed.

For single player, I haven't really played much of it, but from the small amount that I have played, it isn't very exciting. All you really do is go up against a CPU player. The music variety isn't doing so great this time around. There are only a few good and catchy beats to the game. The character selection is fun and overall satisfying. Choose an afro-man dancer or a girl dressed up in a sexy cop suit. Value wasn't too disappointing. I think differently from the other reviewers who absolutely hate buying the game for eighty bucks. But look at the seperately sold dance pad...It's about 30 to 40 dollars. If you buy the eighty dollar bundle, it means the game is $60 and the mat is $20. Better deal eh?

And graphics, what more do we need from DDR? It's a dancing game, not a second Gears of War.

Overall, this game is great. If single player attributes were put below, I would've given this game roughly an 8.3 or so. But luckily, it's not there, and fortunately, I'm in love with the game.