The Developers at Viseral games should be ashamed at this stupid game.
Dante's Inferno however, forgets all poetic and artist imagary that the Divine Comedy present and we are left with a piece of crap. A video game about going through hell should not be a hack n slash God of War knock off. It should be an interactive experience where all the demonic, sinful lust, and evil expressions are exposed. It should leave us scared, and emotionally tainted with fear and awe.
The game could have worked with Dante being a crusader, but there was not depth of sin, and torment in Dantes character. And the developers at Viseral games had so much to work with...
There is no excuse for this laziness in a game, and it is tragic to see that people could ignore everything in the pages of the Divine Comdey, and make such a boring game.
Moral Choice system doesnt add anything to the game either. What should be choices with more impact tend just being a slaughter fest. I gave it a,. 5 due to the irony that a Currupt man made the choice to damn or to save the souls of those he encounters, which faintly reflects that of Death, the one in the Divine Comedy who guides The Poet.
In the end Dantes Inferno is a lazy excuse for a cash grab, it was not worth the 12.99 I spent, and it is a worthless pile of lazy crap