Should you raise some hell with this action ´´Game´´?
DI really dissapointed me. In/at many ways:
The story feels too much. Means: Not very uniqe
Graphics are really bad. It feels like ps2 graphics, --> I mean the white lvl should be in hell? The lvls feels like they are taken from other games. (!)
3. (!)
Bad combos. Means: Combat is limited. U can beat the whole game with just one combo, you dont need to upgrade them, but the killing (slaughter) moves are well done (copied) . You can beat the whole game with just one combo: Square+Square+Square+Square+
Sound is really not bad at all, but the voice acting could be a little bit better.
Ending is boring.
Is it really worth to play a copied game?
What should you think now of DI?
Anyway...Dante's Inferno is a well refined game with all the credentials to keep the fans of this genre stuck in front of the television until the final confrontation with Lucifer.
The verdict:
+ Good action game
+ Visually striking
- Combat is limited
- Not very uniqe