This game certainly deserves more than a 6.5, if not by much, but still. Fun game, an interesting journey through hell.

User Rating: 8.5 | Dante's Inferno: Shinkyoku Jigoku-Hen X360
Once I played the demo for Dante's Inferno I knew that I would be buying it, I pre ordered it and waited a month with excitement building. I picked it up a few days after it came out, and was surprised at the "6.5" it got from Game spot. However when I played it I found that it deserved more, if not by much. I personally rated this 8.5 because I find it to be easy or hard based on what you are looking for, the difficulty settings are far ranging which I appreciate. Hell itself is interesting and the bosses are fun, I got a good three plays from it, about 8 to 10 hours on the first play, but that was on casual for me. Over three plays I got about 20 hours worth of play time. I found this game to be worth paying for and fun overall. The achievements are not terribly hard to get either, I got all of them by my third play.