As I eat my tenth Christmas cookie, this is the second time I play thru Dante's Inferno.
This corresponds partly to the Hell's cliché: there is a lot of fire, there are screaming for mercy souls, demons who bucks legs and demonic doors only open when it pierces you have with your scythe.
But that is only a fraction of Hell that Dante's Inferno you dishes out. This is partly because the ARTSTYLE, but more because Hell is here divided into nine rings, each with a theme.
Dante's InfernoIk had in the beginning of Lust, the second ring in which the blessed enjoyment of women is heard moaning, and phallic symbols and ports in the shape of the vagina's dressing area. There is none other than Cleopatra the forest, and bare-chested she climbs a huge pillar in the shape of a penis. Her nipples are openings where unbaptized babies hatching or tongues with razor-sharp knives as poor.
The battle that made the top of the tower is hectic, especially when invoking the help of Cleopatra Marc Antony fortunate about as big as Dante but has a huge Roman shield and of course the protection of Cleopatra.
If you both have defeated Marc Antony and Cleopatra, the Tower of Lust together overwhelm you can prepare for the third ring: Gluttony.
Dante's InfernoGluttony (gluttony), is an area full of tongues, fat creatures and worms that eat everything but what they pass. It is a distasteful scene where your wide screen almost seems to drip with fat.
But before you can enter inside, you will first Serebrus, the three-headed hellhound, a cup .... ehm three smaller cups should make. Moreover hellhound is not correct because the definition is not really being a dog looks, but more out of there mouths.
The environments are certainly very stylish but I 's idea that more could be done them. And I am referring mainly to the fact that you rarely enter a space where you really can free roam. In Dante's Inferno because your path is almost completely mapped for you and move primarily by Dante closed corridors or along ridges. A little more openness, the game no harm done and Hell have been impressive.
Own face
Each ring has a different decor, a different atmosphere. Whether a boiling river of blood, a fiery desert or a "zelfmoordbos' is, Dante's Inferno immerses you, especially if you take the time to take a good look around you.
The special decoration gives the game its own identity and that is also needed, because when you play Dante's Inferno, you will not escape the comparison with games like God of War, and Bayonetta.
That the game manages to keep her own face has everything to do with the idea of the game which is built: the poem The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri. The game is based on the first part of the poem, called Inferno, but follow the text too literally. Dante was so obviously not a crusader but a poet and his beloved Beatrice (the game) just a girl in his youth had met a few times.
The story
Dante's InfernoIn the game is so Dante is crusader and his beloved Beatrice slain by an unknown body and drops her off to hell, as Dante has broken his promise. What it is and how things actually happened in exactly as you do while playing behind Dante's Inferno.
The story is told quite stylish, including through the cross that Dante has sewn on his chest. This are artifacts that depict what has made them Dante and his crusades during his youth. During the adventure to change the animations and drawings tell the story so until that time. In addition, all animations also something to do with the ring which Dante at that moment.
Additionally you will support the story are treated to the best CGI movies you've ever seen.
Hack, slash and magic
Dante's descent InfernoIn the game you like Dante, with the poet Virgil on your side, down to the nine rings of Hell.
It would obviously be too easy to just walk through that one to nine rings and a pleasant visit to Lucifer, because we are dealing here with an action game. And let those actions are now quite good!
Dante's Inferno is full of brutal action, namely, and above all great playable. It's like Kratos buttons below it, only without any hitch. The game runs very smoothly and you will despite all enemies on screen and the animations in the background, never, never see delays occur. Unless so provided by the developer, to move some more power to shine.
Hell Beast
Armed with your scythe, you can conjure up all sorts of moves that you many demons and monsters can tear or behead. Besides your scythe, you also have at your disposal that you cross an almost infinite amount of magic you can drop attacks.
But there is another way to settle the fighting: you can because sometimes a great climbing and driving hell beast. At such moments you feel supreme. You stomps and slams on the ground and spits fire for the things around you flaming. It feels great to be on the back of such a beast at home, but unfortunately these trips of short duration, and you are still primarily dependent on your scythe and cross.
Both weapons are also strengthening, not only in terms of impact but also possibilities. This is done by collecting souls, for every opponent killed you get a number of souls, which you then if you want, in exchange for an upgrade. This can be a bit more health or magic or some extra power, but including new moves, the choice is yours.
Holy or Unholy
Dante's InfernoBewandel the path of the saint or sanctimonious? The thing is during the game you will encounter souls, souls such as Attila the Hun or Orpheus. You get a choice: make free and forgive them their sins and punishment them for what they have done. If you now do not know who is who, you get just before you choose a definition of the soul with whom you currently have and making what they have done wrong.
Punish you choose, you get points for your Unholy path and that eventually makes you stronger scythe. Is your choice on Absolve, then there is a short mini game where you must catch the sins, something a lot more souls than when you had chosen to punish. This sacred act, gives you points for the Holy path and make your magic attack with the powerful cross.
Note: the walk or the Holy or Unholy other path does not end the game on, as only one end. Yet, it is another way of playing on. In Unholy more you rely on your scythe and Holy you'll cross more often.
There is more. Hell is littered with relics, sacred objects Dante's way through the nine rings of Hell bit easier by him against danger or attack. There are thirty of these relics hidden in the game, so an extra visit to simulated levels can definitely be worthwhile.
Dante's Dante InfernoHeb once you upgraded a bit with a few new moves you'll see that the combinations of attacks are becoming more diverse. On the one hand is cool but it is unfortunate that your attacks and combos in particular, really come from the paint when you've played the game almost from the beginning and not immediately accessible.
Moreover, the combos are not as diverse as in games like God of War or Bayonetta, but Dante is no longer his man when he and his quick, powerful magic attacks and the fighting is concerned.
Besides the fighting is also regularly asked some of your gray matter. Do not expect brain-teasers, puzzles simple but the level of "drag the stone to go somewhere and the door will open. The puzzles are mainly intended as interludes for you to get all massacres and other violent events.
Talked about violent events. The battles are indeed actievol, but what I had missed some moments of epic proportions.
Where I in a game like God of War several times with my jaw sitting on the floor, I came into this game only two times a scene to which I afblies of my seat.
Those are equal to two unforgettable moments. I will not betray too much, but the "boat" and the encounter with Lucifer event never to forget.
Dante's Inferno As I mentioned earlier, the game follows the poem literally, but the words of Dante Alighieri used to the underworld its final shape. In the design of the enemies of unbaptized babies to hell winged creatures, but it has taken all freedom.
That takes not always good. At a certain moment you arrived in the eighth ring: the cheaters. The poem you reach this section by a trip to the dragon on the back of Geryon. You'll come to the Malebolge, which is Italian for pockets of evil. There are ten of the poem by these bags, and apparently the makers found it fun to your game in shape that all ten bags to visit as a sort of test.
Each test involves a number of enemies you defeated by the established rules: or by combos in the sky or endless magic.
Let me first say that after every test you can save the game and lost health and magic you can add weather, but the tests are tedious and just not fun to do. They are ten national arena fights and I think it had "taste" better as a bonus can be saved for true fans. I have annoyed me at least to destroy.
The ecstasy of the above incident, which is almost at the end of the game takes place and thus as fresh memory sticks when you've played the game.
Shame, because now I game for the second time by walking, I suddenly see things that I already had almost forgotten, as the diversity in the environments, the boss fights and the various characters you meet during your journey. And it is these things make your journey through Hell from Dante's Inferno one that you will not soon forget. I did not.
You know, I prop me effe filled with Christmas wreaths and make me for my second visit to the third ring: Gluttony ...
Dante's Inferno could very well stand on its own legs. It may not always impressive and the combo system is very unsatisfactory but nevertheless knows Dante's Inferno Hell beautifully to life and the horror and feast together.