I have to say that this a game way out of my comfort zone. I don't normally play games like this for the simple reason..
I was taken aback with some of the cutscenes and "Bosses" that you have to fight. Even some of residents of Hell are twisted and strange enough that I sat here and said," What Happened?"
This is not like the book at all, in the sense that the circles of Hell are NOT as they should be,But a stylized version. I do however enjoy the game despite it's many and varied flaws. Some puzzles are so annoying that you just want to give up, But not I. I soldiered on and was rewarded with even more problematic puzzles and ickyness. I have to wonder what they where thinking when they changed the original premise to this incarnation of the origianl idea for the game. I sit here and wonder what If?, What if they had done it differently?