I don't get it...

User Rating: 8.5 | Dante's Inferno: Shinkyoku Jigoku-Hen X360
I don't get this. Why is this game being criticized? I don't get it... For anyone that knows how to READ this game is "based" off of the book by Dante Alighieri. I'm currently reading the book now and from what I've read and from what I've played it's great. The real Dante was a poet and was not a warrior like the one portrayed in the game but this gives a really good representation of Dante's Inferno portrayed in his book. Each circle of Hell very well depicts the circles explained in the book, and everyone is saying "Oh it's a God of War rip-off, it has no value, it's a horrible game, do NOT play this game, it's horrible." Tell you what kids, want my honest opinion? If you're really into God of War then you wont like this game but like I mentioned earlier for anyone that likes to READ you should like the game if you have read or are currently reading Dante's Inferno. Gamespot gave this game a 6.5 rating but you will give GTAIV a 10. Yeah ok, like GTAIV was even worth a 10. This game does NOT deserve a 10 rating, but it certainly should earn at LEAST an 8. The book is WAY more interesting then God of War. Dante existed, but unfortunately there is no record of a "Kratos" to have ever existed. It's cool and all that he fights Gods and has sex with blonde women but don't hate something for what it's really worth. Point made, I'll stick with Dante's Inferno. Thank you!