The trip down to Hell can be fun at times, but it's ultimately a cake walk.

User Rating: 7.5 | Dante's Inferno PSP
Dante's Inferno on the psp has a good concept. You play as Dante, a warrior of the Crusades. You are soon sent into Hell to rescue your lover Peatrice after she is murdered. You will encounter many enemies along the way until you get to the final boss, Lucifer.

The game starts out pretty good when it comes to gameplay. Immediately, you are thrown into a tutorial mission on how to play. The controls aren't as good as the console versions though. This is becuase the psp doesn't have that extra analog nub. Becuase of this, key features of gameplay have been removed in this version of the game.

One feature of gameplay that was kept in tact though was the unholy and holy power ups. When deafeting certain enemies, you can either punish them or absolve them. Punishing them raises your unholy level. Absolving them raises your holy level. By raising your level in these areas, you can purchase more attacks and upgrades for Dante. The highest level for each is 7, and both offer different upgrades. Unholy focuses more on powering up your scythe. Unholy works more on your enchanted cross.

As you progress, you will obtain these four special weapons that use up mana. These weapons or "power ups" can be extremely helpful when it comes to fighting large groups of enemies. You can upgrade the "power ups", but only to a small degree.

For a handheld game, the graphics are ok. The enviorments through the game become much more challenging to navigate through as you progress. Sadly, this version's graphics aren't as detailed as the others. Aside from graphics, the cutscenes are wonderful. When looking at them, it just makes you feel that you're watching an animated movie. I do like the artistic design of the game, but they are ruined by frame rate issues. When a cutscene begins or ends, usually there is a big pause where the game freezes. This is only minor, but it adds up over time. There are also minor graphic slow downs. So while you play, you may have some unexpected deaths. You'll just start off at your last check point though, so it's not like you start the whole level up again.

One interesting part of the game are the puzzles. The puzzles are a little tricky, so you'll have to really think when It comes to doing them. When completing them, they give you a pretty good feeling of accomplishment. This is ruined however becuase you'll probably get stuck at another puzzle, adding more fustration after you just completed one. Most of the puzzles don't really involve combat. By doing this, Dante's Inferno's action has been toned down. This isn't a bad thing, but it would've been nice to see more action in the game.

The enemies at first are pretty unique. From devilish babies to demons from gluttony, each enemy has unique attacks that'll force you to either evade or block them. Some enemies are so weak, that you could actually grab them and finish them rather quickly. The more stronger enemies though will have to be weakened before finishing them.

There are four difficulties to the game. The fourth one has to be unlocked however before playing through it. Along with that, a digital comic can also be viewed after beating the game once. Players will probably play through the easiest mode, "classic", just to unlock these features. Sadly, the game lacks a replay value. It wasn't hard on this mode, but just annoying at times. By replaying the game, it'll give you the type of feeling as if you've "been there, done that."

Dante's Inferno makes a successful port onto the psp. It may be your usual hack'n'slash game, but the unholy and holy upgrades add a good twist to the game.The game is pretty graphic, so it shouldn't be played by the faint of heart. The cutscenes are artistically beautiful, but they are ruined by the frame rate and graphic issues. Even still, Dante's Inferno is just one of those games that should be played in moderations. Mainly becuase you can beat the game within a day. Dante's journey through Hell is successful, but instead of saying "Go to Hell", they should say "Take a cake walk with graphic slowdowns." Even still, Dante's Inferno is a good action title, just don't expect a whole lot of action.