n a really cool hellish feeling....
User Rating: 8.5 | Dante's Inferno PSP
the game is one of the best games i ve played on the psp in a long time. The game is one of the best games in terms of graphics (also meeting a good FPS rate) n the story line is awsome....the best part about the game is that it is one of the few games on the PSP which have almost the same story line cutscenes and gameplay as its much bigger counterpart ...n that is the PS3 (i am saying this because ive played this game on PS3 aswell)...the graphics are slightly toned down(obvioulsly due to the hardware limitations) in comparison to PS3 but me the game level n graphics design is almost as similar as the PS3...this fact actually gives a lot of respect to the PSP..because trust me the game is so close to the ps3 that even if u play it on the PSP..u would have no difficulty of playing it on the ps3 as the game mechanics, features n all the rounds r very closely depicted on the PSP as on the conclude....i wish more of such games r developed foe PSP which are so close to its PS3 counterparts because this game is actually a representation of the graphic power of PSP n is also one of the few games on the psp which lowers the gap of gameplay value between the PSP n PS3(someother games including "gran taurismo" n "tekken 6")...