at first it seems to be worse than it is you have to keep playing and it is ace
i really like the graphic style although in the in game game cut screens the full graphic potential isn't used but when it is man is great . But the gruesomeness is captured very well though-out the game and gives a very involved feeling.
The fighting (main type of game play ) is excellent and i like how you can finish different enemy's using both holy and unholy methods which is a great touch i personally think it is great and the EXP gained ( holy or unholy) provides a good way the separate ranged and holy magic between meele combat and unholy magic . Once you get well into the games the moves become more and more interesting until a point where it feels like the creators got bored or couldn't come up with any more moves so they just put magic upgrades in or relic spots.
The puzzle solving part. I found some of the puzzles to be very simple and easy but others were more changeling but not over the top on difficulty, which i like because i hate it when your enjoying a game and get stuck on a puzzle part and have to use a walk through. But if the like games because of the difficult puzzle parts then id recommend something else even though the game play is brilliant.
all in all i love this game and the extra mode after you complete the game is pretty cool but it would of be great if you could have a multilayer on that mode and you could move the camera . but never the less a awesome game and i would recommend it especially if you like devil may cry and games like that
thanks for reading.