PSP Dante's Inferno is a good game, but some disappointing aspects deserve highlighting
The graphics are good, neither astounding nor bad. One of the biggest problems seems to be the lack of effects, especially in some occasions where you are expecting blood. Nevertheless, the disappointed gamer will feel compensated by the quality of the cinematics and animation sequences.
Another problem seems to be the camera. Action games like this one must have a controllable camera or a very smart one (e.g.: God of War). In the PSP version, the camera did not help much. Actually, the camera could be considered responsible for some deaths in the game, where you simply could not identify properly a cliff or the size of a hole. Both the problems related in this "graphics section" seem to be due to a poorly made port from the PS3.
Not much to say here. Just like the graphics, nothing very surprising can be described. Except, once again, in the cinematics, where the voice interpretations are very nice and fit the characters.
Easy. I played through this entire game with no great difficulties. It was my first time playing it and I put it in the maximum difficult level available (the highest level is only available after finishing the game). The minions occasionally can be a problem, but it's quite rare. The bosses could be considered difficult, but (trying not to spoil the game) the final one is surprisingly easy.
The character evolution system is very interesting and took me by surprise. The possibility of gaining "profanes" or "sacred" powers was quite interesting and gave a slight air of RPG evolving to the game. It helped to create the combo system which is very interesting. Not only a simple button smashing, better combos could require a series of small commands, alternating sometimes between the use of the scythe and the cross. The problem lies in how these combos can be easily broken by the enemies, which could be frustrating some times.
Hell itself
In a game like this, the scenario should be a character by itself. What the player will find is a poorly developed hell. Sometimes you just forget you're in hell and there is no sensation of terror. Dante simply walk like a god in the halls of the catholic underworld with no fear of anything, pushing levers and buttons, to put mechanisms to work (?). Scenarios repetition is extremely annoying at some point of the game.
Wait… what do you mean?
The "human" aspect of the main character which is shown during the game is very interesting and makes the player want to know what is happening and what will happen latter. Nevertheless some aspects of the game make simply no sense at all. How have a human gained the ability of, after his own death, freely walk through hell itself killing demons? How come Dante can "absolve" or "punish" the tormented souls in hell? (By the way, they're already in hell, how could they be punished more?) Did I mention that he does it with a simple cross that belonged to his wife?
PSP Dante's Inferno is a game worth playing. It will give you hours of true enjoyment with a few moments of boredom. Just do not expect very much of the technical aspects: the constant sensation of a bad port will follow you through nine circles of hell.