Trust me, Don't buy this game you'll regret it !!!
I'd give the graphics 6/10
There was NO MUSIC in the game except in this Nightclub which was pathetically STUPID.
In this GeoForge place, it's almost IMPOSSIBLE to pass through guards their literally ALL OVER the place, there's NO WAY to go past them.
And if only 1 guard spot me...BOOM!! they're all around me shooting at me with their Machine Guns, then I die and have to repeat the whole mission from the beginning.
Well I'd expect that mission like, to be the final one so then it should be that difficult, but what the hell it's only the 4th, how the am I supposed to do it, I haven't got any upgrades yet enough to do it.
And "Blooming" !!! that guy was acting like a weird baby, that's not a VILLAIN...And my character's friend "Tom" he's talking like a street gangster, not like a Gothic Vampire!!!! I really don't like the characters in this game.
And I only get 2 Saves in each mission and if I didn't save and I'm dead I have start from the beginning, there's no Checkpoints!!!
To be honest, the only thing I liked in this game is that I'm a vampire that should be stealth that's got special abilities which can be upgraded, that's all nothing more, nothing .