this exppasion adds alot to the game and if you got time to play buy dark age of camolot.
the game starts you out at level 1 and until you reach like level 10 it is farily easy to level. then once you reach 10 you should hunt it groups.
the game is pretty good just time consuming and so far i have only reached level 20 as a archer and i have been playing for about a mounth and about 20 to 40 hours a week. the good thing is that you get a free level like every 2+ days. it goes up once you have alot of characters. the game overall is a good game decent graphics and a great plot for you people that are into medivel third person games.
well all i can say is that i like this game becasue i like medivel games and if you do too then buy the game. i also like the fact that you can make your own armor and wepons so you dont have to spend alot of money on it. if you have ever played runscape youd like this alot better becasue more graphics.
ok now i tell you more about what you do in the game. at first all you mainly should do is quests so you can learn how the game works. then once you reach your rank like scout you get more abiltys and more things to do. like now if you decided to go scout of ranger you can use a bow whitch gives you a good avatge if you have a good bow and arows but if you got a realy bad bow and the arows then you have alot better chance to be attcked since in the beging most guys are melee. ok then once you reach 10 you get more abiltys whitch makes your guy better but do not focus on one abilty becasue you need all it will make your charter much better. then also once you reach a high enough level you have a better chance of living if you go to the battle grounds were you fight other relms(albion,midgard,hiberna are the difernt relms) becasue most recenly i started a new guy becasue range takes to long to level, i went to the battle grounds like at level 10 and i did decent but i still died becasue i wasent in a group. well thats about what i can tell you about the game at the begining because i havent gone very far in the game.
well the gamplay in this game is great becasue i like the plot and the story to the game. then the graphiocs of the game is pretty good but seen better. the sound is great but it could be becasue i got my comp hooked up to a soruond sound system. overall the game is great if you want a online game that takes place in the medivel times this is the game you want but i sugest not to get this game if you dont have dsl or cable becasue the game will run slow. so thats about all i got to say about the game. one more thing about the game if you decide to make your armor and wepons you will get very board of the game and if you decide to start with a ranger you will not care for the game becasue it takes forever to level a ranger.