You will enjoy the RvR, but will you enjoy the level grind?
The game isn't exactly hard like I put as my difficulty rating, it's just the RvR aspect which can be challenging. True, anyone can head out onto the Frontiers and clash swords with their enemies, but can anyone be good at it? The answer is also, but it can take some time, practice and patience.
The leveling system as it is now is quite tedious after the introduction of instanced zones. Gaining levels includes sitting outside a dungeon and repeatedly doing it until you out-level said dungeon and move onto the next one in the tier. While this might not be for everyone, it does create for some quickly max-leveled characters.
DAoC definitely got hit with a debilitating blow with the introduction of the Trials of Atlantis expansion and its player base is now much smaller than it used to be. Nonetheless, there are still thousands of people playing this enjoyable MMO and some might say that the new Classic servers have given way for a more closely knit community.
Giving this game a try would not be a mistake on your part, even though there are many new exciting MMO's out there (WoW: WoTLK - soon, AoC, WO:AoR - soon). Sometimes it is best to just go back to the basics and see where they got all their ideas.