My fav MMO when i left U.O
Three realms Midgard , Hibernia , Albion , (my spelling and grammer blows sorry =D) All in a war for controll over territories and relics.
When i started there wasnt Darfness falls or the outher pvp dungeons
the best items where player made and crafting was popular.
My first gripe i had that made me allitle irritated was there major nerf to Shadowblades .. so ofcourse thats means i mainly played mid.. but anyways
i was also one of those lame guys who used a buffbott account but i liked it and so did my roommate =D.. but i remeber my 50sb rocking mg1 long ago then they gave scouts the ability to see steal then and they led groups onto me witch was bull. then thay nerfed the hell outa me I rember junping a hibby ranger didnt get to P.A but i did B.S and he turned around and malee me down i was soooooo pissed so i scrolled up to look at the damages it was retarted his regular damage hit harder then my b.s...
So i made a nightshade that was fun.
Even with that nurf and so on i played this game for so long there was almost no quests really but back then it was no big deal you mainly had to grind to 50 lol oh and the loot you got from grinding allways sucked most being 80-89% quality..
I will agree that i think my revies are more of a story =( about myself
i guess i dont know hot to do a review unless i could makeonewith only 20 words =D