Trials of Atlantis had a great premise and great promise. The new zones rock and are very eye catching with tons of things to do and explore. Where ToA kills DAOC is with the new artifacts items and Master Level abilities they implemented. Directly from Mythics mouth came this line "ToA will have no effect on RvR". ToA has EVERYTHING to do with RvR since all the artifacts and Master Level abilities are used in RvR, and almost all of them are so powerfull if you dont have them you are dead. Dark Age of Camelot at one point and time was a great game and some skill was needed to be good in it, now the game has degenerated into keeping up with the jones's. I wish mythic would create a server with just Original Daoc and Shrouded Isles....I would leave my 3 50's and head there in a heartbeat.
Other Helpful Reviews for Dark Age of Camelot: Trials of Atlantis
Dark Age of Camelot was my first MMO experience, I picked up on accident at the store ended up playing it and fell in love with the community. All was great, then Trials of Atlantis was released. The game went from being... Read Full Review
I liked it, but not as much as i thought i would. I started to play the game when this (the third expansion i think) was free. The graphics seemed a bit old, the control was complex (for me anyhow), I actually got los... Read Full Review