Camelot is dead.. (that isn't all bad actually!)
User Rating: 2.5 | Dark Age of Camelot: Trials of Atlantis PC
A long time ago I weaseled my way into DAOC beta. I was instantly in love with it. At the time I casually played EQ while at a friend's house, and DAOC blew me away. There was so much more to do(ironically, more quests than EverQUEST), and it was actually tolerable to look at! Then the game went live and I lacked the necessary funds to purchase it right away, but soon joined up. I played quite a bit for about a year and spread myself too thin to even be close to having a level 50, but the important thing was that I was having fun. Numerous money issues and being a borderline ADD-child had me playing for a month and then off for 2 months or so. I did get really interested again when the first paid expansion Shrouded Isles was released. That was a lot of bang for your buck. Hell, you practically didn't do ANYTHING on the mainland anymore.. Which I would say is kind of idiotic, but SI was fun! Nonetheless, I would still have to battle my ADD-like tendencies and go back and forth playing and not playing. I did finally get a level 50(Warden... drooool...) and at about that time TOA was released. Now.. If SI didn't do enough to give people other things to do instead of battling in RvR, the very core of DAOC... TOA just made high level people into ghosts on the battlefields. Whenever I got the urge to go play around in the RvR areas(which was... pretty much always being level 50 now), there wouldn't be near enough people to do anything constructive. And this is painful being a support hybrid class. "DING 9!!" would not be something that exciting normally. But alas, levelling of artifacts was a sickness. You take uber items that are irritating to camp for and then... get this.. you must then go pharm certain types of mobs to level the artifact. Wow.. That is a new level of uselessness.. There were always level 50's that would sit around and craft.. Or pharm money/seals for crafting.. Or do stupid things in RvR(camp areas that have no strategic value, just pick off stragglers).. But TOA gave people way too much to do other than RvR. And when they finally did go RvR... You better hope you have a full set of artifacts, half SC'd gear, and half TOA gear for bonuses you can't get SC'ing.(that is a whole other rant[about how SC killed off wanting dropped items, which we all got used to and accepted, but then TOA threw in another curve]). TOA killed DAOC for me.. Which I have come to terms with not being all that bad because now I don't have to worry about getting the urge to reopen my DAOC account and waste precious time! Now I know that the game Mythic got me worshipping is now just another expansion happy MMO piece of garbage!