Probably one of the best platformers ever made. If you never played this game, you have missed out.
The game was called Dark Castle, and was one of the first games to run at such a high resolution, with such clear sounds. Along with controls that would pave the way for future First Person Shooters.
The story of the game is as simple as other platforming games of the time, with a simple objective with no plot twists or real developed characters. The story is in short, There is a black knight, which lives in a castle, and terrorizes people. Our hero, is off to topple the Knight's throne, but he must brave the Dark Castle before he can confront the Black Knight.
One of the first things you will notice about this game is that it is beautiful, not only for it's time, but in general. The high resolution graphics make for clear and sharp environments and enemies. The animations are also smooth, running at a constant frame rate. You will often be surprised at the many original, and comical animations, but you will never be disappointed, as they are all well animated, and fun to watch.
Another thing you will notice is the sounds, this game has some of the bests sounds to come out of a video game, and stayed that way for years with it's clear sounds. Not only are the sounds very clear, but they will often make you chuckle, and smile. This game's comical atmosphere was set perfectly by the sounds presented in this game.
The controls in this game gave you precision rarely found in games, making you feel in complete control of the character at all times. The controls are what became the standard First Person Shooter controls in the future. With Movement mapped to WSAD, with Q being action, and E being duck. Jump was bind to Space, and aiming to the mouse. The controls work perfectly for this game, and such smooth controls are still hard to find these days.
There are a good number of unique enemies, and obstacles, with different levels changing the way play, with flying bats, moving platforms, stalactites, and a number of other obstacles you will encounter.
The level design in this game is top notch, with almost ever level in the game presenting it's own unique challenges, and feeling. Almost every level in this game is something to remember, and something you will want to play over and over again.
The game does severely lack in one category, and that is content. Not to say the content is bad, but the game only contains 14 playable levels, and no secrets. It does have 3 difficulty levels, and high scores. But overall, to a skilled player, the game can be beat in under 10 minutes. Not to say everyone will be the game in that amount of time, with some tries taking upwards of an hour. Also, after beating you will undoubtedly come back for more.
Final Words:
This is an amazing game, one that should be played by just about everyone. Even today, the game's sound, gameplay, and graphics stand up. People playing for the first time 21 years later can still enjoy this game, and still find humor, and fun out of a classic for all time. This is truly a game not to be missed.
10.0: Presentation
From the sound of the thunder on the first screen to the scream of a gargoyle taking you to the dungeon, everything in this game sounds, looks and acts exactly how you'd want it to.
10.0: Graphics
The graphics in this game are throughly outstanding, with the smooth, crisp, and clear environments, and enemies. Even today, they are graphics to be "wowed" at.
10.0: Sound
Incredible sounds effects for it's time, with a attitude all to it's self. You will probably never forget the sounds you will hear in this game.
10.0: Gameplay
The gameplay in this game is amazingly smooth, gameplay this smooth doesn't come around often, and it feels totally natural. You will not be disappointed.
7.0: Lasting Appeal
The game is really short, and has no secrets, unlockables, or real ending. Never the less, the odds are you will play this game over and over again.
10.0: Overall