easily one of the worst games i have ever played.PERIOD!
the minute the game starts you get this crackly, low quality organ music that loops throughout the entire game. but it doesnt matter because you could probobly beat this useless piece of crap in 10 minutes!
when you start playing the game one of the first things you will realize is how horrible the graphics are. this game looks like somthing you would get on the nes, or even the commodore 64. everything is quite blurry, and theres nothing really that stands out in this game.
the sound effects are pretty terrible to. it says on the box, creepishly realistic noises. thats a flat out lie. even for the time the sound effects are in really low quality.its just screching noises.
the controls are probobly the worst part of this game.when you walk its ridicoulosly slow,your jumps are useless, and its really hard to aim at things. you move the control pad to aim, but its so slow. and the enemies come really quickly, so you have to aim quikcly. you cant aim without walking around, and you cant shoot on the stairs.WHY!!!
theres alot of stupid things as well. like if you fall like 2 feet, you die. there are tiny rivits in the ground you can trip on, and the dificulty is just ridiculous. its impossible to kill anything, and after just one hit, you die.even on easy this piece of crap is impossible. but it doesnt matter cause theres only 10 small screens. thats right, there not even like levels, their just screens, that can be ran through within 10 seconeds.its hard if you try to kill things and work through the screens, but you can just run through it with no problem.so its easy and hard at the same time.
this is probobly one of the worst game in history. theres no replay value. within 5 minutes, youll be sick of this game. you probobly snap it in half if you last 10 minutes.there is so much more crap i could tell you about this game,but there isnt enough room. ill have to save it for a video review. stay away form this game. dont even pay one dollar for it!! its an abomination.