A gaming masterpiece from which Square couldn't help but notice.
This game, let's you play as Max, a kid... let me rephrase ... a rich non-spoiled kid, who want his own life and longing for his mom. The thing is the city gate is closed, the railway is not operational yet the townsfolk never noticed and live their carefree life and so was Max... until it began... that night, as the circus came. Coming to think of it, I have a friend gamer whose afraid of clowns, (Carlo Romeo Lizardo of Bataan, Philippines, that's not you) hated that clown-boss-thingy-something. And I set the record straight, he was not terrified, he just hated the clown. The point is it started with the circus... And so the story unfolds. It even reveals the facts about his mom. The story is somehow told through reading a letter addressed to Max's mom.
How did the gameplay become unique from it's genre. First, you will not level, your weapon is. Other stats will only be raised by consuming rare items but mainly, your weapon will define how good or bad your performance be in the dungeons. Second, you will play a sim-like game from which you will build structures required in-game and invite people to migrate upon the city you built. Lastly, almost anything in game can be crafted, hence called invented. With that being said, this game can stand-out alone on it's own.
Besides Max having a weapon, namely Wrench, you will also have access to the... drum roll... Ridepod. A ridepod is a robot vehicle that can be used to defeat enemies in the dungeon and can also be level up and exchange parts too. Parts, that you yourself will be inventing and crafted. Aside from Max, you will also controlling Monica, a mysterious girl (that you yourself should find out what she is) that can transform to any enemy as long as you obtain it's badge. Everyone you invited on your adventure can be taken to the dungeons and will help you as far as selling items to unlocking locked chests or doors or giving bonus stats and bonus,though they will not participate in the battle. Like mentioned earlier, you will be inventing. To invent, you need to take pictures of anything you see... I mean anything. Cause you'll never know what things you can invent. While playing this game, I suggest you must have paper and pen, to write down the recipe or hint's that are scattered upon the game itself.
The story of this game is better be left unsaid to enjoy it's fullest. And do yourself a favor... don't cry.
THE GOOD: An innovative game that will left you hanging or better yet crying.
THE BAD: The looks are not that good compared to what Square or Capcom have. But need not to worry, for shallow gamers out there, I recommend Rouge Galaxy instead. As I have said, this game is so good that Square couldn't help but notice hence the Rouge Galaxy was born.
Overall this game is a must. Patience is not one of my virtues but this game thought me how.