Dark Cloud is a game that truely puts the PS2 limits to the test, and passes with a B+
User Rating: 10 | Dark Cloud PS2
Dark Cloud I remember like it was yesturday (2002) I remember you were the first game for the PS2 I have ever boughten, (aside from Omnimusha) but you my friend were the reason i wanted a PS2, your storyline, (very original and fun) was really easy to follow, oh how i played you for hours and hourse and years and years, going though a dungeon that rarely looks the same (In figure that is) and the very not very thought out enemy names, also your weapon system very fun to manage and create weapons (well the stats that is) and not to mention the charaters you meet on your journey (my favorite was Ruby and Osmond, because hes a bunny) and the battles.....they were i like to say kinda hack and slashish at times you looked also the easy to learn fishing (really it was easy just press X when the bobble went underwater) and the most fun thing that made it fun were 2 things the Georama System that let you make the city and the small lil boxed lying around how I love finding you and seeing the prizes you have and now its 2007 and i can say this truely........ITS BEEN 6 YEARS AND I STILL FOR SOME STRANGE REASON HAVN'T FINISHED YOU I PLAY YOU ALOT, AND YET YOUR NOT DONE, WHY IS THAT are taunting me my dear Dark Cloud, or it could possibly be the fact that i start you over alot because i like the weapon and Georama system, I don't know but who ever reads this....Please ohh Please Dear Game God in heaven don't spoil the ending as i wouldn't do for you so please and thank you very much.