Dark Cloud is a fun and different rpg.
User Rating: 7.5 | Dark Cloud PS2
Dark Cloud has a decent feel, but could have been much better. The is a wide variety of weapons, but its hard to upgrade to get them. The combat is okay, but feels like it was thrown together. The repeating music over and over is really boring. The graphics are pretty good as you fight your way through dungeons or explore the world. There are two great things about this game the georama system, and the variety of monsters. The georama system is a way to rebuild the world that has been destroyed and gives you some control on how to re-create the world. Even though this game will be in the 40 plus hour range you won’t get bored because every time you go to a new area there is a new set of monsters to destroy. There are also two things about the combat system that aren’t very good. First is the thirst aspect where you can die if you don’t find water. Also if you use a weapon to much it will break and you will lose it. Dark Cloud is a decent, but lacking RPG.