There were things that I liked but there were more things that I didn't like.
At first I was really impressed by the mood of the game, the thick fog and eerie, deserted locales. They continued to spook me out during the whole duration of the game, especially the dark stairways of the lighthouse. But it soon started to bother me that a good portion of the sound effects was recycled from the previous game that I had played just before this one. Those random scary noises just didn't have their intended effect on me anymore.
By the time I had completed a few puzzles I noticed that I just wasn't that interested in them. The puzzles didn't feel nearly as logical and natural as they had on the first Dark Fall. This feeling continued throughout the game. Most of the puzzles felt pointless, like they were there just because an adventure game has to have puzzles. I picked up the walkthrough more readily that normally because I just didn't feel they were worth investing much time in to.
One aspect I really liked was the time travel and the way it's use was reversed. Normally you have a mystery at present time and you go to past to find out what happened. In this game you have a mystery at past and you go to future to see what they had found out about it. It didn't even bother me that much that the character you play is from the beginning of the last century and yet was able to use all the future gadgetry with relative ease. Just blame it on the superior skills of deduction or something. Home made Holmes. Other than that though, the plot was nothing new.
This game, like the one before it, was quite short but as the puzzles were somewhat uninspired it didn't bother me that much that it ended quickly. The ending was again a huge dissapointment. It was even more of a let down than it was in the Journal.
I still intend to play the third instalment in the series if I get my hands to it and I sure do hope the developer has learned some valuable lessons from this one.