Not the best out there

User Rating: 7.5 | Dark Horizon PC
Dark horizon is not the among best games in the space simulation genre but it packs some punch.
First of the bad sides is the shortness of it.
22 linear missions compared to vast open space of x3 and freelancer is not something to brag about.
And the flight controls are not well suited.
The aiming should be more responsive, and speed controls is not the best solution out there.
Also the enemy AI needs some work.
On the good side...
The artistic design is great, and the story is one of the bright sides also.
The best thing is designing your own craft.
You can design the ship perfectly suited to you.
I scored the game 7.5 mostly for the artistic design and I would like to see the open space sequel.
And the minimum allowed size for a review is 800 characters, so I will simply write more leters asa sfbsvanf nagvtvj tmjbxgv xnjts vagmnfvfvv fgfgsg.