Dark Messiah a game of Fantasy, Stradegy, and obviously without doubt, a game of Action. A Must Get!
Gameplay has to be one of the games finest points! The clashing of sword on sword, the yelling and taunts of enemies, the fluid motions of a sword, kicks, sheild butts and many more, is uncomperable to any standards.
Valve obviously worked hard on upgrading the source engine, to meet the need of Dark Messiah's large world. Bloom effects and HDR lighting, reflections of water, light radiating from fires and in a sense, make the game not only beautiful but in a sense majestic. Although some Half Life 2, Day of Defeat Source, and Counter-strike source players, may be seeing the same picture.
New character voices have been put into place, and ambient noise has been introduced, FINALLY! The sounds of Orcs crying in pain, after hearing a sucessfully rewarding, CRUNCH!, of a kick always gives me a good dosage of satisfaction.
If your looking forward to a game that costs 20$ and your thinking to yourself, "WOW this is going to be so cool I'm going to get Dark Messiah for a really cheap price!" Then think again my poor readers! Dark Messiah is not an episode to another game, it isn't a small game, and not a game produced on a small budget, NO! The game is going to cost around 50$ But dont cry just yet! The game will lower its price in about.... Four months perhaps, Hurrah for that!
Reviewers Tilt:
I have no compliments nor any critisim, so... I have no suggestions or comments at this time.
Have fun!