A great fantasy FPS. Read why.

User Rating: 8.3 | Dark Messiah of Might and Magic PC
Dark Messiah: Might and Magic is a fantasy FPS that casts you in the role of the apprentice Sareth, who starts off in search of a magical artefact and quickly becomes involved in a plot involving necromancers and a mysterious prophecy.

The story is told over ten large chapters, with cut scenes at key points of the story. Each of the chapters is set in a different location and these are well designed. Being powered by an enhanced version of Valve’s Source engine (the same engine used for Half Life 2) gives the game great graphics and physics. You’ll be fighting in locations like caverns, a ship and a mysterious temple. Each one feels realistic and the objects move accurately when picked up and thrown.

The enemies, like the gameplay is varied. You’ll fight cyclops, spiders, orcs, goblins, to name but a few. The game gives you several ways to kill them. There are numerous weapons and spell scrolls scattered throughout the level, in addition to obstacles such as spikes and fire that littered throughout the levels. Pressing F lets you kick, which can be fun. You can kick your enemy into spikes, over cliffs, into flames. Completing objectives gives you skill points which can use to upgrade your skills. These are divided into 3 classes: warrior, magic and stealth. You can have a mix of skills or depending on your favourite style, spend them on a single type. Completing optional objectives gets you bonus skill points. Sound in Dark Messiah is great. Voices have been done well and each object sounds like should when moved or thrown, environments sound realistic. The orchestral theme is atmospheric and helps create a suitably dark and moody feeling. The only downside to the game is its length. Single player can be completed in 15 hours. There is multiplayer, but that’s it. Dark Messiah is an entertaining game that’s worth buying if you’re after a game that’s action packed.