Playing This Game Makes You...
User Rating: 8.3 | Dark Messiah of Might and Magic PC
I bought this game about 1 week ago and still play at least 2 hours a day of it...Its an amazing game and you dont need a high powered PC to see some of the good graphics...the campain is a little hard because of the new controls but once you figure them out you shall dominate...not only is the single player very funn and entertaining THEY ALSO THREW IN MULTIPLAYER!...multiplayer is not as easy as some of the pray and spray games like CSS or FEAR...Dark Messiah takes some strategy if you want to come out on top of the player stats...For $50 i think its worth it...i took a shot in the dark, i didnt play the demo but yet i think its my new favorite its up to you but i highly recommend this game to any one that wants something that will keep them busy for a while.