There is only one positive thing to say about Dark Messiah of Might and Magic...

User Rating: 3 | Dark Messiah of Might and Magic PC
...and that is that the graphics are pretty damn hot. Aside from that, the game sucks big time through and through! The biggest complaint for me is that I practically didn't even finish the game because I got exceptionally irritated with the constant crashing. Eventually I threw in the towel, and placed the game at the back of the pile of my other games, never to see that glow of my monitor ever again.

Let's hope the console version is better.

The enemy AI is also rather pathetic, and the combat is completely uninspiring. You can only get so much excitement out of pushing an enemy off a cliff face or pushing them into spikes.

The idea was there but it was not executed as well as it should have been. I say rather pirate the game because it was a purchase that was a real waste of money. I can't agree with supporting a game that gives me little opportunity to enjoy it due to the technical holes (not even glitches)! The developers should be ashamed with themselves for releasing a piece of garbage like this!