If it's £9.99 then it rocks but this is £34.99...
Graphics - 7/10 The same as they were when it originally released, good thing it didn't originally release in 1990.
Sound - 6.5/10 Better than Two Worlds, at least it's better than nothing. P.S, Two Worlds sucks ass.
Story - 7/10 It's an RPG, gotta have a decent story in RPGs right?
Gameplay - 7.5/10 It's always a lot of fun but if you already have the pc version you won't buy it again for the same first person mashing.
Replay/ Multiplay/ Value - 5/10 I'm not the type that argues about a remake edition but selling a game for way more than the original is just feels like a scam, no multiplay - one replay at most.
Overall - 6.5/10 This game will make a crappy weekend a happy weekend, just don't forget to send me a bowl of popcorn and a glass of coke, oh c'mon!