A shame to RPG's in this day and age.
It appeared as though it can compete with the 2 year old 'Oblivion' and 1 year old 'Two Worlds'. the reason I mention the age of both these games is because to be honest 'Dark Messiah' does not compete with these older games and yet it pretty much came out just under a month ago.
The gameplay I found was rather boring, I have only played the game for no less than 2 hours and I am already bored.
Don't get me wrong, I am a huge fan of anything RPG based, even those games with a small hint of Role playing such as 'Age Of Empires 3'.
I have ceased playing Dark Messiah and decided i'll look at reviews and see what others think of this monstrousity just incase the future of this game holds more, but I was not surprised when I was greeted with further bad reviews and more disappointed individuals.
The graphics I found amazingly poor considering the screen shots and previews I have seen on the TV.
To start with I felt myself in a familiar world, so familiar it made me remember back to the days of endless playing of Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven, but don't be fooled, thats all when and good back in 1998, but in 2008 where we expect amazing gameplay and brilliant graphics, I wasnt happy.
An example of familiarity from Might and Magic VI is that when I opened a cupboard it appeared as thought the folded up sheets we're actually 2D, but upon further inspection it was just the lame textures that created this illusion, I also found this for a lot of other details, such as market stools and general items.
Although not all is bad, I did find the horse ride at the beginning of the game a satisfying moment, the lighting and effects of the huge stone gate was pretty hypnotic, it appeared as though I was looking up at a heavenly stone gate with the beams of heavens light shining down onto its surface.
The world I would say is pretty dull and it feels like your the only intelligent person roaming the streets, not to mention the lack of actual people on the streets and again not even mentioning the boring, repetitive details on these characters.
I must of passed the same looking pedestrian about 3-4 times and I passed the exact same soldier about 20 times.
There is no free roam, okay I must admit, I haven't experienced the game for that long to encounter a moment of free roaming, but even if there was a free roam feature, I would'nt be intrigued to explore as everything is too alike and familiar.
I would say the sound is pretty ugly aswell, I never found anything interesting and everything sound the same, it was quite a strain on the ears, hearing the exact same slicing sound in a cycle that went on and on and on.
To round it up, I would say, do not buy this game unless you have every game in the world and you are bored of them aswell.
If you are new to the genre, go for something like Oblivion or if the worse comes to the worse Two worlds..