Maybe the odd glitch but otherwise its right behind Oblivion!

User Rating: 9.2 | Dark Messiah of Might and Magic PC
Single player: Dark Messiah is a game of great possibilities for the player. Allowing some variety in the way you act out the story. Fair to say that it has its share of bugs and glitches but if you have the hardware and a liking to this type of game then there is no problem. The game has a nice and deep story-line and some good cut seens. Graphics are absolutely great and the physics are something you could never look past. Its just the best thing to pull out a bow and kick some orc in to a box and watch him fall whilst at the same time drawing an arrow and lighting it on fire with the torch on the wall and setting it free to watch your enemy burn alive! Other little details like full body awareness make the game so much better, just being able to look down and oh look! There are my feet! Omg I’m actually a person not a floating sword in front of a camera. Multi player:
Dark Messiah MP is a sweet extra for a great game, allowing you to take your single player skills to the world and test your self in a wide range of class types and abilities. Some players may already know that multi player has some problems still but is still something like a 8/10. Assassins are the biggest problem in multi player as they are to overpowering but you learn to get over them…

Overall Dark Messiah might and magic is a top game and I recommend it to absolutely anyone!