execept for those artrocious graphics I finally finished the level it took about 6 minutes to load 1 pathetic level when your going through the front of the city at the level I thought yes the Free roaming has come into it I can explore
well no there is no exploring in this total let-down game It is level based
and is so repetative you face the same enemy over and over again you will kill about 500 blackguards then look you're versing orks a new enemy. Well your gonna be killing 1000 of them buddy before you get to verse the black guards again you can not buy weapons only find them which is pathetic
There is a ton of bugs and crashes in this terrible game and the worst part is that there is no RPG in it what so ever leveling up is pathetic because you can not choose what skill you want it's just the higher your level you then automaticly get the skil you want which is crap as for the usual choice in an RPG this game has none that even change the game at all the only chice there is , is well say prevent a fight or some crap like that there is a
lack of weapons and clothing for this game which is just bad
as for the graphics they are so ugly they are Morrowind graphics they it looks like it came out in 1999 or something and the textures are so ugly its like a mesh of crap and colours that don't mix
as for the A.I absolute idiots all they do is follow you in a stupendous way running around doing nothing and they can't really even block
there are so many bad things in this game I cant even think of any good things The button layout is horrible they are very hard to get used toand are complicated leaving you to bash the controller or snapping the disc I just can't see how anybody could rate this game good enemys take forever to kill all you do is either shoot your bow cast magic of hack and slash over and over and over and over again there is no strategy to this game at all
just as I said level based crap and These annoying stupid little jumping challenges you play as an idiot anyway so why ruin this already wrecked game anymore who loves jumping in games unless it's assassins creed
but jumping in this game is annoying and needs to be perfect otherwise death is rather certain
Overall: this is not a RPG game it would be more in action there is no depth or replay value at all it's as if this game is still a prototype and still in it's early stages all I can say to Ubisoft is Don't you test your games before you
play them or what or you think that just because it's created by you and you think it is great just because you made it, it's like when people cook horrible food and like the taste of it because they cooked it but it is actually terrible
make sure you get a proper game tester for your game and not a drunk off the street to test out games before you release them