Something new,but not impressive

User Rating: 8.5 | Dark Sector PC
The good:
* Graphic, sometimes
* Game play occasionally fun
* Some puzzles

The bad:

* Single-player short
* Multiplayer LAN only
* Glaive's doubtful utility

Dark Sector presents the story of an individual named Hayden Tenno, responsible for eliminating a ... let's say "mad scientist", whose occupation is to create a super virus that turns people into mutants.
Apparently, the special forces sent to address above infection were as aware as they face mutant power, which is why all their weapons were equipped with electronic systems for the recognition of holders.
The idea is decent and serves to strengthen a another feature of the game - money - that can be used to buy weapons "released" from different vendors that always looks the same and invariably live in one channel. As well, being infected, you can not use enemy weapons, which is why I actually do not understand why they give me the option to pick them up.
Furthermore, infection Hayden's give him a "Glaive", a weapon quite radical with boomerang effect.
The weapon in question back to the carrier no matter how chaotic a throw and is sufficiently "strong" as to not kill anyone in one shot unless you hit your head.

Fortunately, Glaive looks angry enough that you feel quite ok when you use it, moreover, it can control the trajectory in the air, relatively pleasant thing, and you can "load" in a way that the Power Shot usually used to open locked doors. There are improvements, but can be furnished with electricity and fire, the effect of temporary thing that looks cool and gives very, very hard. .As for which I can not say that I had less using the Glaive, especially when I was faced with some puzzles which require the use of relatively nice.

However, if there was a statistical "per hit", I think the end game would be found to have used a gun more often. As I said, your Glaive is slow, has a limited range and is very easy to use under continuous fire. Gun in hand (which occupies the other hand, or secondary fire button) is instantaneous, not limited radius of action and provides headshot after headshot, which is extremely useful when you are attacked from all sides. So even dare to say that the only useful weapon in the game is poor gun. Glaive site is cool, but the utility temporarily shines and other weapons "two hands" I quickly blocked access to it.