Very dark, gory and rewardingly fun game.

User Rating: 8.5 | Dark Sector PS3
Dark Sector is a very hard game to describe. Honestly its an amazing game at the gameplay point of view, but the storyline...well where is the storyline is the question. It really confused the hell out of me when I first started up a new game and started watching the intro and all of a sudden it ended and I started to play...without any description or mention on what the hell happened in the intro and who the hell I am or what the hell I am do. Probably the most frustrating part about the game, I sometimes found myself pushing through these kinds of moments just to finish the game or the level.

You have 3 types of weapons: Firearms, explosives, (and my all time favourite) the glaive. I am telling you, the number 1 reason I bought this game was because you could use a freaking glaive to either chop peoples heads off, chop em in half, cut their arm off, or cut their leg off. The gore is even a more fun and rewarding part for using the glaive. I also liked how you could go kinda like a slow-mode fps type perspective of the glaive and, using the sixaxis, you tilt right to turn it right, up to go up, etc., etc. but it did take time getting use to and got annoying the first couple of tries.

I loved how the glaive could catch the "elements" and attach itself within the "element" and could be used against the enemy, in other words, throw your glaive at fire, it sets on a fire and can be used to set other enemies on fire, same goes for the other 2 elements which are ice and lightning. You kind of use these elements to proceed through the game by used ice to cool of fire and fire to burn pathways which was awesome.

The firearms and the explosives aren't very intresting and neither is the upgrading system, which works by finding parts to either make your weapon stronger, faster, more accurate, or explosive. You apply these in a sorta black market/underground tunnel shop. There very unimaginative and very blunt. Your weapon also looks the exact same after apply any type of upgrade so thats another bore.

The what is there to say about the multiplayer. Honestly what is there to say? Well theres basically nobody playing it now, you'll be lucky to find 1 or 2 people playing it and it only has two different game modes. Although ill give some credit on the creative side on the game modes since they aren't generic "CTF" type. Other than that...this really was a letdown since I was mostly pumped for the online play.

Overall the part of the game that kept me going was the glaive and the elements it could grasp how you use it to progress through the game but the lack of story, creativeness and more work done on the firearms and explosives, and more importantly online play, really let this game down for me in more ways than one. This should still be a game you should play and experience for yourself because you will like it, but if you were expecting as much as everyone else was...well than prepare to be disappointed. Enjoy!