swift and satisfying is "NOT" Dark Sector
User Rating: 6 | Dark Sector PS3
I must say, this game was very disappointing. For one, there is nothing next-gen about it, nothing majorly new here to see. The story about some virus feels like its all been done before in countless movies and games. The character feels hollow and dull with no new abilities to gain besides the glave. Not a single memorable scene for me to enjoy. Enemies are cheesy and not at all creative, they all seem to look the same, the human looking ones anyway. You realize after making some progress that nothing majore really happens its the same crap repeating itself over and over again then the game ends. It just feels like this game has tons of room left for things that could have been added,but instead was cut short for a quicker release.The combat system is a joke, only being able to throw a few punches. This hollow character has absalutley nothing to offer besides the annoying glave!!!!, which drove me crazy after several chapters and realizing that its all the ability i will be gaining. The execution moves were as pathetic,boring and repetitive as the game itself. There is no interaction with the environment, ( jumping over hand rails, hanging on ledges, etc.) like you would expect a game like this to have These people are absalutley shameless, when i watched one of the interviews the directer said if they would've pushed it out even sooner it probably would've been game of the year, and i HIGHLEY doubt that very much!!.I had very high expectations for this game but was let down the very hour i started playing. I was expecting swift and satisfying gameplay, but swift and satisfying is "NOT" Dark Sector.