Dark Sector offers some great gory fun and makes you think hard about how to figure out a certain objective

User Rating: 8 | Dark Sector X360
Dark Sector has a new wepon that I haven't seen before - the disc blade, which is a blade that has 3 blades attached to it. It works like a boomerang only much, much better. you throw it and it flies at about 100 mph then comes flying back to you. It cerntaintly is amazing as you can litterally chop some unlucky soldier in half. Another great thing with the blade is that you can throw it into fire or an electrical area and the blade will light on fire or turn into an electricity blade. Sometimes getting it in the fire takes some aiming which is why there is a button (RB) you can use to slow-mo it and get close up right behind the blade. You steer the blade when this happens. You can also use the slow-mo to hit your enemy on target which offers a close up of the enemy getting sliced, which maybe to much for some, but not me.

Moving on, the enemy AI is very smart it always seems to spot you when you are looking around, and plus the enemys don't run into walls or act like idiots, they are serious and sometimes give you a hard time - especially the bosses.

The boss fights are some of the best out there. You always seem to be facing some huge pist off creature or machine. It takes thinking to find out the way(s) to kill them.

The game requires thinking, serious thinking. It may take you a half hour or more to figure out what you have to do. Then you have to be able to execute it. For some people this maybe a fun challenge but for guys like me it gets annoying and can easily get on your nerves. So I guess this could be good or bad deppending on what kind of person you are.

Overall Dark Sector is a lot of fun and the blade is probabaly going to be your main weapon and not your guns. although its great sometimes it will get you mad or bored. But I reccomend this game to gamers that like sword fighting or knives games because of the blade, but the guns are also alright