simple killing.
the glaive is what alot of people would use instead of guns well i did, the glaive can be used in the from the enviroment like fire electric and ice, that are basically the same in combat except for some bosses, and achievments but their are puzzles through the game not great puzzles just getting a door open or melting this black barrier.
the plot starts good and has a intresting plot till the end but its the way they directed it, you don't know anything about the charaters and acting good with hayden's voice actor is a guy from smallville (i don't watch it). but the direction taht kills the story. this game can be completed in 7 hours for me, with achievements to keep you coming back and online,
the online you will love or hate, i love it but one thing that annoys me is the infected can become invisible, and its very hard to see him you have to focus to get a faint outline of him even then his most probably gone behind you to snap your neck, the maps are small and team based like gears. their are two modes one is infected, and the rest trys to kill you the 1 that kills you in the end is infected next round, most points of all rounds win. another is epidemic with a team deathmatch with a twist, 1 person on each team is infected its your job to kill the other team's infected.
overall this game is worth a rent at least and is good for fans of gory games aswell.