An ok game that has a few issues.
Dark Sector's graphics are good but don't look as crisp and as good as they should. Players will often seen 2Dish surfaces, walls and alike. Aside from that character models look pretty solid along with the weapon models. Except in cut scenes character faces seem a little out of purporting.
Dark Sector's gameplay is fairly basic and bit on the bad side. Players simply shoot and slice their way through countless numbers of enemies. One thing unique about the gameplay is the use of the Glaive. Players will primarily use it to cut up enemies, slice of limbs and retrieve ammo and other stuff with it. Guns look and feel like guns and have a good amount of recoil to them. However the primary problem of the gameplay lies in the controls. While players are running the controls feel sluggish and slow to react to turns. When players change cover by using the cover move they are automatically knocked out of the cover position and thus players are forced to re-engage the move. The Glaive's range is limited and so is the amount of time players can control it while in flight. On top of this boss fights feel very cheap as one move can instantly kill players and this goes for the enemies who take cheap shots at the player during gameplay. Not to mention players will have a hard time trying to figure out what to do next in certain spots.
Dark Sector's audio is pretty good and sound right. Guns, explosions and a like sound pretty good and close to real. Even the voice acting sounds solid.
Overall Dark Sector is fairly solid game that players may want to take a look at.