Diamond in the Rough
If you like games for story don't touch Dark Sector. It hinted at having a rather deep story line, but in the end what you get is an excuse to use a rather innovative weapon. The Glaive has long been the focus of this game's advertising, and it certainly doesn't disappoint. I was skeptical as to whether a boomerang capable of decapitating people could really remain fun to use throughout the game, however it actually did. While you do add quite a few unique and useful abilities to your "glaive arsenal" as it were, it never gets complex enough to stray from the straight forward throw and catch that you use to decimate your foes. The abilities that you do gain are useful, but still remain largely optional. If anything they add to the overpowered feeling of the protagonist. Even with just the glaive and a pistol, you'll manage to rip through masses of enemies very quickly once you've adapted to the control scheme.
My disappointment with this game comes largely from how shallow it is. The story is rather weak, and there is certainly more that could be done with the characters, the enemies, and the glaive itself. Thankfully, the awesome combat, immersing boss fights, and the beauty of the game managed to keep me occupied for the 12 hours it took to beat. It might have benefited from more than just the standard and brutal difficulty settings, but overall I did enjoy playing through the single player twice. Hopefully we'll see a sequel that manages to expand upon some of the very cool concepts in this first effort.