Very good game. Fantastic visuals and engine. definitely worth a rent, maybe not a buy.
User Rating: 7.5 | Dark Sector X360
I remeber reading about Dark Sector's first world preview in Game Informer. And it looked very promising. But every cover story of GI looks to be promising. I saw a trailer several months later, and was pissed. It looked very stupid and boring. It wasn't till I went to Hastings to buy a couple games for a sale they were having. I decided on Bully, Dark Sector, and Far Cry Intincts Predator. But had to abandon Far Cry for Call of Duty 2 because THE CLERKS LOST IT. But Sector was somewhat cheap and I gave it a chance after a suprisingly decent demo. I started into Dark Sector and was proven wrong. It was a very good game with a great new weapon style (the glaive). The graphics are also amazing. I'm sure that the Revolution Engine has a bright future. But the plot was confusing and didn't mesh well. There's also an online component, which was very frustrating. It's very good, but how can you want to play a game that doesn't even have standard deathmatch? It only had 2 main modes that revolved around you being Hayden against everyone else or the protection of Hayden. It's truly the wrong direction to take. But the campaign was good enough to make it a recommendation. With great cover mechanics and weapons, and a very good enemy design, the campaign is very enjoyable. There's also the option to use a decent variety of glaive powers at your disposal. And the dismemberment is cool to witness. I would definitely rent Dark Sector, but maybe not quite the buying quality.