The feel and play of Gears of War except the fact you have a kick ass awesome killer Glaive on your hand.

User Rating: 8 | Dark Sector X360
Picked this up for 10$ at a local HMV and it's a surprisingly fun game to play. The story line early on really does throw you for a loop but it picks up quite nicely and provides a good 10 hours to complete. The Game develops an erie and creepy feeling of being alone through the game with some rather gnarly tough enemies that sometimes just pop outta nowhere. The Glaive is the real money in this game. There are Pistols and shotgun type weapons you can use but I came to find it far more satisfying cutting guys in half, decapitating enemy after enemy, it just does not get old and when Hayden acquires the aftertouch ability (ability to control glaive in slow motion) it just makes the kills all that more fun. Underrated game in my honest opinion, give it a try, you'll have more than a couple "Oh Snap!" moments.