Just another Gears Of War with bad Graphics...

User Rating: 8.5 | Dark Sector PC
played, finished,, and i think it's pretty cool, actually i think it's great, but...

holdin' the controller, playin' the action in DS, u feel like playin' GOF once again..but with few new addy's, n less graphics.

the new things were cool, like the new blade weapon, and the way u can controll it, the story, and the way u feel while ur playin' it,and all the suspense is way better than GOF, the graphics, no comparison GOf is the winner.

moves like cover/dodge/sprint, or actions like pickup/reload, and almost everything, are the same way, the same mouvement, and also the same buttons...

close combats and bossfights are almost the same, but in this section, i give DS 10.0.

bossfights were amazin', n u can actually use ur brain by thinkin' 'bout a way to finish the dude!...but there's somethin' abvious in this game, comin' out of the screen , callin' "i'm fake!!!".

in GOF u just shoot and shoot, and shoot more..untill u finish the game. w'll it is a sci-fi shooter game, but it doesn't mean that good aimin' is what's all about...

with all this i still think that Dark Sector is a great game, n in fact what i think is that it's way better than Gears Of War...

but the copy-cut thing, w'll i don't think it would bother anybody, but i think it's just rude...