This game knows fun with a Glaive, has much to say about a fire arm. It stops where yo ustart to think. Not there

User Rating: 5 | Dark Sector PC
The game starts as an interesting entry, we have a guy whos on a mission, and soon we learn a whole new dimention of pain and agony.
This game developers tried very hard to make this game as challanging as it sounds, however they failed at propper implementation of the main characters prime weapon, The Glaive.
Enemies lurk behind corners and we learn how to use our new toy swiftly, most of the games mechanics are intuitive, but with the enviroment compleately unbreakable we can't say we had a lot of fun in it.
Soon into the games early stages we can find ourselves in a lot of trouble, sometimes we may find enemies being born out of nowhere, and l frequently found myself at awe seing some enemies going out of walls and shooting me in the back, an obvious bug but very disrupting, for the main weapon usage the melee part of combat is lacking it's usage , the melee attacks are composed of auto targetting on current enemy and whacking (sometimes missing) the enemy with a glaive or kicks, not very original way of fighting for an assassin, the best combat system was developed over ranged combat, throwing your Glaive on enemies and ocasionaly cutting their heads or other parts of bodies off is fun.

The game attacks a very small area of entertainment, melee combat combined with a thrown weapon is rare, but in this place you learn very fast that the game is lacking a lot of content, it's price shouldn't be as much as behind the title you expect a dark and luring game, the game is not dark by any degree, almost 70% of combat is in bright daylight, the rest is in sewers that are rather light.

If you would want to think about spending your money on this game or Prince of Persia, l'd go after the latter.

Ambitious plan but failed heavily.