Horrible...oh dear god the humanity. How can developers screw up such a promising concept?

User Rating: 5.5 | Dark Sector X360
Dark Sector is simply put an epic failure. Borrowing heavily from Gears of War/ Resident Evil/[Insert Random Cover Shooter Here], this game could go down in the annals of gaming history as one of the biggest letdowns, along with Fracture, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, and Mercs 2. While at first chucking your glaive around and being able to use aftertouch and powerthrows along with absorbing fire, ice, and lightning to combine for devastating attacks is enjoyable, drawn out & pointless boss fights, rubberband AI, and one of the worst game stories of all time add up to bring this down.
You would think this would have the makings of a AAA game at first glance, due to the great graphics and killing sequences such as Finishers that give the game a gory feel, but negatives far outweigh positives in this trainwreck. At this point in the 3rd person shooter game, all the epic titles have been released and it seems publishers/developers are more willing to leech off titles like Gears of War/Uncharted to make a quick buck or loss (in this case). Do the gaming community a favor and don't buy this game to send these people a message that it is NOT okay to continue to churn out blatant rip-offs of more polished titles.