If you are a fan of action-games, you can't really go wrong with Dark Sector.
And there are a few positive aspects that I just -have- to incorporate into my review. First off, in a time of crappy ports flying in from every angle, Dark Sector breaks the trend. Smooth frame-rate, great graphics, and no lag/loading times (and no crashes). I was rather impressed. Second, the low-price greatly increases the value of this game, and makes it easier to recommend.
As previously mentioned, this game looks pretty nice. And the best part is, there was little lag anywhere throughout my entire gaming experience. Controls are also rather intuitive/comfy (though I advise you to change the dodge button to shift). Still, the main star here is, of course, the gameplay. Dark Sector plays essentially like Gears of War with less secure-cover and a glaive. Though you do get to upgrade your guns, the glaive is where it's at, and you will have fun increasing its strength and learning how to take advantage of it. Also in the game, are satisfying/cool death-finishers, of which the main character Hayden stylishly finishes off an enemy in a brutal-style. A great pro in this game is that sometimes it can come off as just 'cool'.
Overall, this game feels mostly-polished, though its weakest aspect is by far its story. Characters/plot are presented in a such a way that it's probably not even worth mentioning here. Basically, you're sent here to kill. Everything else just kind of fills the cracks inbetween. That said, the story wasn't bad. I say this because there -are- games where the story is just terrible in a way that you can't even stand it. Dark Sector is not such a game.
There are reasons why Dark Sector stood out in a semi-positive light. First off, it has pretty decent boss battles for a game of its genre. In addition, the gameplay is not as superficial as it may seem. You will find that the difficulty is actually high-enough that you don't go rampaging without some sort of strategy. Also, there are puzzles scattered throughout the levels, and for the most part, they were well done. You may, for example, have to electrify your glaive (yes the glaive can attain elements!) to open a mechanical-door. My minor complaint here is that sometimes, the puzzles (boss battles included) can be very vague on occasion. You may encounter a couple of times where you honestly have no idea what you're supposed to do next. I had to use a walkthrough for certain parts of the game as a result.
Overall, Dark Sector isn't bad. Yes, I did have my nitpicks. Sometimes the game would get frustrating and yes, the last few hours can get grindy and repetitive (so make sure not to marathon this game if you play it). In addition, because of the existent-difficulty, there were some cases of cheap/frustrating deaths (though not common). But despite all this, Dark Sector is still pretty great. The glaive mechanic is far from superficial, and the levels are somewhat varied. The story is weak, but good enough to be enjoyable. In addition, the porting is fantastic, the price is fair, and the game can be downright fun. Repeating myself: a big pro of this game is sometimes it can just come off as 'cool'. If you are an action-game fan, you probably can't go wrong with Dark Sector.