Its a decent game that requires skill from even the best gamers due to its glitchy controls and unfinished variety.

User Rating: 6.5 | Dark Sector X360
Its fun, Yes, Its got a good stroy and long length, yes. Its satifying, uh no. After your first few time decapitating enemies with a killer frisby the game becomes repetative and generaly a bore.

You play the part of an Agent of "The Agency" and its your job to stop the spread of a deadly virus across the US. Its seems so simple but when you yourself is infected its all one big mess and your clock is ticking to find a cure, if you want one?

Well with a good 9 Chapters and plenty of chatting and cool cinematics, the games story is a good one and shadows such games as Resident Evil and feels very much the same as Resident Evils setup and gameplay. But after hours of running through streets and throwing a frizzby, or whatever you call it. it get old real fast. So for all you FPS fans or lovers of games such as Halo or Gears of War. It will only show up as a buird on your gamers Radar.