This game just falls a little short in every single way.

User Rating: 6.5 | Dark Sector PC
Well the game certainly starts off quite good, it begins with a prelude to some sort of depth but then any depth just vanishes and the game turns into a run through the levels for the sake of finishing them sort of game.

The premise of the game is good, the graphics are good, the animation is mostly good except for the running is pretty bad (when you turn you just run like normal but change directions, as if you were on a central pivot) and the sound is good but none of it is great or above average for this period of gaming.

The story....umm...well it can pretty much be whatever you want it to be.

The gameplay leave a little to be longed for, while its not bad it really makes you want something more, the shooting is a little stale, throwing your xena star is somewhat entertaining but ultimately very shallow and un satisfying.

This game is ok but nothing more, every aspect of it comes close but doesnt quite make it, the lack of a storyline(or atleast the telling of), the dull and somewhat shallow action and the lack of any real excitement make this game best taken in strides, I find i get bored of it after about 30 minutes and have to turn it off and come back to it again later for another 30 minutes.

This is one best left till it hits the bargain bin.