Over the shoulder shooter with marvelous visuals and inspired gameplay

User Rating: 9 | Dark Sector PC
Yes this game is good. You can compare it to some of the best games in this genre even Gears.I got it so cheap and it's worth double that.

The visuals are very good, very stylish.The character designs, weapon designs, environments, they all look very good and create a great atmosphere.

The story is kind of confusing and not well explained and it's complicated. To get an idea what is going on you have to be extra careful to the character dialog. The main protagonist is not just some one dimensional pretty boy shouting one liners. He is complex character and in the end of the game you will care for him.The other characters (although a few) are well done and they all have a purpose and move the story forward. The plot takes place in a troubled country in the former Soviet Union, which is troubled by infection. Your character gets infected quick and gains the glaive which comes out of his arm and uses it throughout the game.

The gameplay is amazing, a little complicated but lots of fun. Your main enemies will be enemy soldiers and infected people which are zombie like.There is an implemented cover system (didn't like that you couldn't shoot blindly from cover) there are various weapons and you can customize them by installing upgrades found in the game. There are these underground stores where you can buy things, sell things and upgrade your weapons. It just adds more layers to the game. There are melee moves, quick kill, and ect. What really makes the game is the glaive, you can use it to decapitate people, imbue it with fire, electricity and do much more with it it's really inventive stuff.

Point is the game is very cheap now, if you like these games it's a must buy! I got it on the PC and there is nothing wrong with it on my computer( although some people reported technical troubles but i didn't really have any problem i don't know why they did.)