typical storyline but really addicting gameplay
so basically i didnt get much of the story coz its stupid..its too typical with the girl from the past, mad scientist, cool main character and that stuff and its put together quite horribly coz i theres not much of it at all to understand so yeah...this game for me had no story.
there u get to start on a mission which is not quite explained but ignore the story and start to play. the gameplay was surprisingly awesome! typical but well put together and fun. the graphics are good and the gameplay is solid.. so its basically an over the shoulder shooter with cool blood effects and stuff. at some point i had to bring down a chopper which was quite fun i might say and then there was this guy with a cool costume and stuff i had to fight and eventually lose against...i hate that in games
at a point in then still in the begining of the game i realised the mad scientist kinda stabbed with someting saying i deserve the 'someting' and all and next thing i kno im pulling the glaive (sum cool blade ring thing) out of my hand and making a mess out of my enemies with it...of cors i realised that by the help of a cutscene which was bad.
ok yes this what makes the gameplay good enough to make up for the crap story and characters. u can throw the glaive and tear people apart with it, decapitation and such but thats not all!
abilities are unlocked!
super attack - smashes everything and anyone in half!
glaive guiding - rlly awesome combined with the above
picking up items - like ammo and other stuff
elemental infusion - makes the glaive burn or get all shocky
and elemental explosion - make a big wave of whatever element u happen to be using.
the elements and abilities can be used in either combat and puzzles and its quite entertaining to set people on fire electrocute them and stuff. the black market system (which involves going in holes in the ground and buy stuff) is good...i mean yeah u can even upgrade guns, sell and buy new ones..its good (not that i cared about guns much) but everything in the gameplay was very well put together.. there was the occasional boss which would kill off sum of the repetition...and enemies changed from time to time making it less boring.
the more u play the gameplay gets more fun and the story keeps killing itself trying to make us care about characters we no nothing about...and we dont care we just want to tear ppl apart.
around some part of the game u get a cool costume...face the other costume guy...find out its actually the girl u loved from the past after u killed her.. then destroy the scientist and whatever his plan was...and the end.
oh wait before the killing scientist part there is a really entertainging part in which u send ur boss to hell and kill all ur allies so that u can do whats write...
thats about all of it..its rlly worth it but ull only play it once.
multiplayer i didnt bother. so there..it gets a 7 for the gameplay